Visit of Pope John Paul II to Lowicz, Poland

In Memoriam

Pope John Paul II

Pope John Paul II
visiting Lowicz, Poland
A copy of the Gospel Cover
is available
from ABA Cuprum

New in 2005!
#A30P The
#A30P Three-Handed
24x30cm 9.8 x 12"

#A31P The Iviron Virgin
#A31P Iviron
25x30cm 10 x 12"

#A39P The Bogolyubsky Virgin
#A39P Bogolyubsky
38x46cm 15.2 x 18.4"

#A76PP Wall Crucifix
#A76PP Wall Crucifix
Realization of Francescan St. Damiano Cross
35x46 cm 13.8 x 18.1"

#A77A Wall Crucifix
#A77A Art Nouveau Cross
Amber Stones
25x33 cm 10 x 13"

#A78 Crucifix (Orthodox)
#A78 Crucifix (Orthodox)
15x23 cm 5.9 x 9.1"

#A79 Giotto Cross
#A79 Giotto Cross
22x31 cm 8.7 x 12.2"

#A80P Our Lady of Guadalupe - Entire Body (Face, Hands, and Gown) is Painted
#A80P Our Lady of Guadalupe
Entire Body Painted
19 x 28cm (7.5 x 11")

Distributor in Italy - L'ITALIA
Mondo Artigiano di Magro Mara

USA Representative
Iconeum logo

#A35 The Bogolyubsky Virgin

Silver Plated
Halos in 24K Gold
Deep bas-relief
40x71cm. 16 x 28.4 in.

To Order
More icons of
The Bogolyubsky Virgin
All Icons Listed by Name

History of Bogolyubsky Icon

The oldest icon of the Bogolyubsky Virgin was commissioned in 1157 AD by Prince Andrew Bogolyubsky when he was moving from Wyshogrod to Wlodimir. He had a vision of Our Lady, holding a parchment roll in her right hand, who asked him to take a painting of her to Wlodimir.

An Orthodox church and monastery were built in Wlodimir, and Prince Bogolyubsky then commissioned icon painters to portray his vision. In icon paintings of the Bogolyubsky Virgin, Our Lady is holding a roll in her right hand, and her left hand is turned towards the Savior in a gesture of prayer.

In 1771, a holiday was established in honor of this icon celebrating the anniversary of the Black Plague's end in Wlodimir.

The version of the Bogolyubsky Virgin shown to the right is a copy of a 19th century icon.

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(600 x 1132 pixels)

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(1200 x 2263 pixels

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(1800 x 3394 pixels)

#A35 The Bogolyubsky Virgin
Click for Large Image
(600 x 1132 pixels)

Click for Very Large Image
(1200 x 2263 pixels

Click for Very, Very Large Image
(1800 x 3394 pixels)

* If prices are Retail, then shipping charges included
(extra for expedited delivery, destinations outside Europe & Exceptionally Large Icons).
$30 USD minimum on Retail purchases for free shipping.
To convert stated prices to other currencies:
Wholesale and Store-Shoppe purchasing is available and encouraged.

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